Monday, June 7, 2010

Vietnamese Yogurt

I was really looking forward to trying to make some Vietnamese yogurt after I saw it on my friend Christine's blog. I remember my mom making these all the time when I was a kid and it brings back fond memories of my childhood. I think I get all my culinary curiosity from my Mom. She was always trying out new recipes or techniques and I always wanted to help her out in the kitchen. If only Vietnamese moms used more precise measurements. Getting her to tell me a recipe is a rather abstract practice.

The closest Asian market is about 10 miles away and I was too lazy to make the trek on Sunday. I just bought the store brand sweetened condensed milk and the generic plain yogurt for the starter. Unfortunately, when I got home, I realized I forgot one of the key ingredients...the milk! I really didn't want to go back to the store, so I started searching online for different yogurt recipes. I stumbled upon Andrea's recipe at Viet World Kitchen. Her recipe didn't call for any milk so I decided to give it a go.

I think it came out really well, although perhaps not as tart as I would have liked. I didn't let them set out for a long time since I didn't factor in enough time. I was afraid of going to sleep and them coming out too tart. I really do like the flavor though. It's nice and light with a soft, sweet taste. I also can't believe how much yogurt it made and how cheaply! I was able to make 10 half cup servings for about $3.00 total. I think that's a great deal!  I'm definitely going to try Christine's recipe next time.

Here's the link to the recipe I used:

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